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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<article category="hardware" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="article.xsd">
  <keyword hidden="true">PCMCIA-porten</keyword>
    <language lang="EN">
      <topic>The PCMCIA port</topic>
        Pin configuration for the Amiga PCMCIA port.
    <language lang="SE">
        Pinkonfiguration för Amigans PCMCIA-port.

  <table start1="1" header1=" -+-Namn-+-Beskrivning"
         start2="35" header2=" -+-Namn-+-Beskrivning"
    <row data1="GND-+-Ground" data2="GND-+-Ground"/>
    <row data1="D3-+-Data Bus Bit 3" data2="CC_CD1-+-Card Detect?"/>
    <row data1="D4-+-Data Bus Bit 4" data2="D11-+-Data Bus Bit 11"/>
    <row data1="D5-+-Data Bus Bit 5" data2="D12-+-Data Bus Bit 12"/>
    <row data1="D6-+-Data Bus Bit 6" data2="D13-+-Data Bus Bit 13"/>
    <row data1="D7-+-Data Bus Bit 7" data2="D14-+-Data Bus Bit 14"/>
    <row data1="CE1-+- " data2="D15-+-Data Bus Bit 15"/>
    <row data1="A10-+-Address Bus Bit 10" data2="CE2-+- "/>
    <row data1="OE-+- " data2="---+- "/>
    <row data1="A11-+-Address Bus Bit 11" data2="RFU IORD-+-I/O Read"/>
    <row data1="A9-+-Address Bus Bit 9" data2="RFU IOWR-+-I/O Write"/>
    <row data1="A8-+-Address Bus Bit 8" data2="A17-+-Address Bus Bit 17"/>
    <row data1="A13-+-Address Bus Bit 13" data2="A18-+-Address Bus Bit 18"/>
    <row data1="A14-+-Address Bus Bit 14" data2="A19-+-Address Bus Bit 19"/>
    <row data1="WE PGM-+- " data2="A20-+-Address Bus Bit 20"/>
    <row data1="BSY IREQ-+- " data2="A21-+-Address Bus Bit 21"/>
    <row data1="+5V-+-+5V" data2="+5V-+-+5V"/>
    <row data1="VPP1-+- " data2="VPP2-+- "/>
    <row data1="A16-+-Address Bus Bit 16" data2="A22-+-Address Bus Bit 22"/>
    <row data1="A15-+-Address Bus Bit 15" data2="A23-+-Address Bus Bit 23"/>
    <row data1="A12-+-Address Bus Bit 12" data2="A24-+-Address Bus Bit 24"/>
    <row data1="A7-+-Address Bus Bit 7" data2="A25-+-Address Bus Bit 25"/>
    <row data1="A6-+-Address Bus Bit 6" data2="---+- "/>
    <row data1="A5-+-Address Bus Bit 5" data2="RESET-+-Reset"/>
    <row data1="A4-+-Address Bus Bit 4" data2="WAIT-+-Processor Wait"/>
    <row data1="A3-+-Address Bus Bit 3" data2="---+- "/>
    <row data1="A2-+-Address Bus Bit 2" data2="REG-+- "/>
    <row data1="A1-+-Address Bus Bit 1" data2="BVD2 SPKR-+- "/>
    <row data1="A0-+-Address Bus Bit 0" data2="BVD1 STSCHG-+- "/>
    <row data1="D0-+-Data Bus Bit 0" data2="D8-+-Data Bus Bit 8"/>
    <row data1="D1-+-Data Bus Bit 1" data2="D9-+-Data Bus Bit 9"/>
    <row data1="D2-+-Data Bus Bit 2" data2="D10-+-Data Bus Bit 10"/>
    <row data1="WP IOIS16-+- " data2="CD2-+- "/>
    <row data1="GND-+-Ground" data2="GND-+-Ground"/>

    <language lang="EN">
        Some of the pins in the port are intended as power supply for smaller external units.
        Only connect these if required by the external unit. Always try to take power directly
        from the PSU if possible.
    <language lang="SE">
        Några av stiften i porten är avsedda för strömförsörjning av mindre, externa enheter. Anslut
        endast dessa stift om det krävs för den externa utrustningen. Man bör alltid försöka ta
        strömmen direkt från nätagget om det är möjligt.