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    <table class="framebox" align="center">
      <tr><th class="frameheader">Theses</th></tr>
      <tr><td class="framedata">
        <div class="itemkey">Master's thesis, Uppsala University, April 2002</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/Wilhelmsson_MSc.pdf">Exploring
          Alternative Memory Architectures for Erlang: Implementation
          and Performance Evaluation</a>
        <div class="itemkey">Thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy, May 2005</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/Wilhelmsson_Lic.pdf">Efficient Memory
          Management for Message-Passing Concurrency</a>
      <tr><th class="frameheader">Journals</th></tr>
      <tr><td class="framedata">
        <div class="itemkey">ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, vol 28, issue 4, July 2006</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/TOPLAS06.pdf">Message Analysis for
          Concurrent Programs Using Message Passing</a>
        <div class="itemkey">Science of Computer Programming, vol 62, issue 2, October 2006</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/SCP06.pdf">Efficient Memory Management
          for Concurrent Programs that Use Message Passing</a>
      <tr><th class="frameheader">Conferences</th></tr>
      <tr><td class="framedata">
        <div class="itemkey">ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM), June 2002</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/ISMM02.pdf">Heap Architectures for
          Concurrent Languages using Message Passing</a>
        <div class="itemkey">Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), June 2003</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/SAS03.pdf">Message Analysis for
          Concurrent Languages</a>
        <div class="itemkey">ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM), October 2004</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/ISMM04.pdf">Message Analysis-Guided
          Allocation and Low-Pause Incremental Garbage Collection in a
          Concurrent Language</a>
        <div class="itemkey">ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM), June 2006</div>
        <p class="itemtext">
          <a href="publications/ISMM06.pdf">Mark and Split</a>
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