
This is a listing over the courses I have been involved in during my time at Uppsala University. If some course web page should have gone missing over the years, you might find it using the Way Back Machine. At the bottom of this page you will find an explanation of what the different titles means in practice. All course evaluations are in Swedish.


Imperative programming -

AD1/PK2: Programming in C - Course evaluation

Course assistant / Lab assistant

Object oriented programming - Course evaluation


AD1/PK2: Programming in C - Course evaluation


AD1/PK2: Programming in C - Course evaluation


DVP, group 67

Course assistant / Lab assistant

Object oriented programming - Course evaluation


DVP, group 6 and 7

Course assistant / Lab assistant

Object oriented programming - Course evaluations: IT, DVP

Lab assistant

Data-structures and databases/PT 2

Course assistant / Lab assistant

Object oriented programming
Compilers I

Lab assistant

Introduction to computers (Groups: Fc1, Qa1)

Lab assistant

Data-structures and databases

Introductory programming - Course evaluation
Computer programming I - Course evaluation

Course assistant / Lab assistant

Object oriented programming

Lab assistant

Introduction to computers (Groups: STSa1, STSb1)

Computer programming I (two groups) - Course evaluation

Lab assistant

Introduction to information technology

Introductory programming

Computer programming I
Introductory programming - Course evaluation

Lab assistant

Introduction to computers (Groups: Ka1, Kb1)

Lab assistant

Introduction to computers (Groups: Ka1, Kb1)


The autumn semester stretches from September to mid January. This is the first half of the academic year. The ## corresponds to the actual calendar year.


The spring semester stretches from mid January to the beginning of June. This is the second half of the academic year. The ## corresponds to the actual calendar year.


The lecturer is responsible for the course, decides the contents, literature, the contents of the assignments and the final exam. Sometimes the actual creation of assignments are handed over to the course assistant.

Course assistant

The course assistant holds seminars and lectures, most often with the aim to help the students with assignments rather than presenting new course material. It is not uncommon that the lecturer presents the theoretical contents of a course and the course assistant presents the practical parts. E.g. The concept of object oriented programming vs. the Java programming language. As course assistant one may also be responsible for the creation of assignments and some questions for the final exam.

Lab assistant

The lab assistant helps students during labs and corrects assignments. Sometimes the lab assistant also helps in correcting the final exam.

SI mentor

Supplemental Instruction is a form of seminars where the students get a chance to discuss the course contents. The seminars are held in small groups (around ten students). The mentor leads the discussion and guides the students to where to find the answers to their questions.


A "lots" is an older student (usually a PhD student) with the assignment to help and care for the first year students. Each lots gets assigned two groups of about eight students each and meet with these students a couple of times each month to follow up on their experiences of being a student in Uppsala. The lots project also includes training in different study techniques and time planing for the students. "Lots" has changed name and is nowadays called "Vägvisarprojektet".